Friday, February 23, 2007

To internal pages- keywords? --------------- Link should contain keywords.The filename "linked to" should contain the keywords.Use hyphenated filenames, but not long ones - two or three hyphens only.

All internal links valid? ---------------- Validate all links to all pages on site.

Efficient - tree-like structure ---------- Two clicks to any page - no page deeper than 4 clicks

Intra-site linking ----------- Appropriate links between lower-level pages

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Google guideline for keywords - Body

Important Google guideline for keywords - Part -2
1. Keyword density in body text --- 5 - 20% - (all keywords/ total words)Some report topic sensitivity - the keyword spamming threshold % varies with the topic. Individual keyword density
( title tag and description tag have to maintain keyword density is 25 to 30%)

2. 1 - 6% - (each keyword/ total words)

3.Keyword in H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5 (use H1 and H2 )

4. Keyword font size ---- "Strong is treated the same as bold, italic is treated the same as emphasis"

5. Keyword proximity (for 2+ keywords) ---- Directly adjacent is best

6. Keyword prominence ---- Most important at top of page, in bold, in large font

7. Keyword in alt text ---- Should describe graphic. logo, images.

8. Keyword in links to site pages --- anchor text

Pls Post your suggestions and comments

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Google guideline for keywords

Important Google guideline for keywords Part -1

1. Keyword in URL ------------ First word is best, second is second best, etc.

2. Keyword in domain name ----- Same as in page-name-with-hyphens

3. Keyword in title tag ------- Keyword in Title tag - close to beginning
Title tag 10 - 64 characters, no special characters

4. Keyword in description Meta tag ------ Shows theme - less than 200 chars.

5. Keyword in keyword Metatag --------- Shows theme - less than 10 words. word Every in this tag MUST appear somewhere in the body text. If not, it can be penalized for irrelevance.

Monday, February 19, 2007

January Search Engine Market Share

Google January: 50.41%December: 52.02%Change: -1.61
Yahoo January: 11.28%December: 10.61%Change: +.67
MSN January: 5.78%December: 8.84%Change: -3.06
ASK January: 0.99%December: 1.06%Change: -0.7
AOL January: 1.63%December: 1.06%Change: +0.57

source: hitslink

Search Engines Market Share

Today Most of the people depend on search engines like Google, yahoo, msn and other directories to know about the more information about news, shopping information, travel, coding and lot of information using the keywords what they are required.

Here The Data Show’s vital role of the Search Engines, this data analysis importance of the Google, yahoo and msn and also to know about importance of pay per click.

· 80% participate in PPC or CPC (pay per click programs) to drive traffic to their sites.
· 45% are E-commerce sites
· 20% are corporate sites
· 25% are content sites
· 35% classify themselves as other (includes gov, org, search engine marketers etc...)

Provider ---- (000) ------ Growth -----Searches

Google Search -- 3,035,617 --- 22.6% ---- 50.8%

Yahoo! Search --1,412,904-- 30.1% ----23.6%

MSN/Windows Live Search -- 499,946 -- -9.7% ---- 8.4%

AOL Search --362,140 ---7.8% -----6.1%

My Way Search --141,527 ---4.7%---- 2.4% Search --128,452 ---17.2% ----2.1%

Nielsen//NetRatings MegaView Search, January 2007

Example: An estimated 3.0 billion search queries were conducted at Google Search, representing 51 percent of all search queries conducted during
the given time period.

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